Instructions for Authors


Editorial Polices

Art and Science of Neurosurgery will accept original and innovative submissions written in English from authors provided the work is unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
The Journal publishes reviews, original research papers and technical notes. Before publication, manuscripts will be reviewed by members of the editorial board, whose opinions will form the basis of the final decision on publication.


In order for an article to be published authors must grant the Journal copyright for electronic use of the material. Manuscripts submitted for publication must be accompanied by a letter signed by the lead author stating that:

  1. The material discussed therein has not been published before
  2. The manuscript has not been previously submitted to any journal
  3. The authors transfer the copyright to the publisher of Art and Science of Neurosurgery.

Types of Manuscripts

Original articles should be submitted in English. Manuscripts must be submitted in digital format as Microsoft Word document to: Categories of manuscripts to  be submitted are:

History of neurosurgery

Literature review

Experimental study

Clinical study

Surgical technique

Case report.

Other :any article in the fields related to neurosurgery.

Manuscript Preparation

Articles should contain Title, Category, Author(s), Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Limitations of the Study, Disclaimer, References and Acknowledgement.

Manuscript Title: Top of paper, font should be bold, in capital letters, 14 points.

Authors names: The corresponding/lead author should be listed first, font should be 12 points.

Institution name and address: 12 points.

Email of corresponding author: 10 points.

References: References to literature should be referred by Name (Surname) and year (Harvard System) in the text and listed alphabetically in chronological order at the end of the manuscript. They should be numbered in the text by appropriate Arabic numerals e.g 1, 2, 3 and the numbers should be within brackets i.e (  ). The abbreviation et al. should be used in the text where more than two authors are cited. References to journal articles should state the authors, the journal title in the internationally accepted abbreviated form, volume number and pages. For books, the author or editor, title, place, publisher and date of publication followed by the volume or page number, should be listed. References from the internet must include page title, date updated, date cited and the web link. Examples:

Journal Article

Cozzens JW, Chadler JP: Increased risk of distal ventriculoperitoneal shunt obstructions associated with slit valves or distal slits in peritoneal catheter. J Neurosurg 87: 682-6, 1997

Author(s) of a Book
Goodman LS , Gilman A: Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 5th Edn. New York. Macmillan, 1999 : pp 17-20


Patentstorm: Device and methods for parieto-occipital placement of ventricular catheters [updated 2012, cited 03/01/2012]. Available from